Category Archives: Mindfulness

The 5 Characteristics of Incredibly Resilient People

I remember the day I found out that my aunt had cancer. Although she was the most positive person I had ever met, I still worried about how she would handle such an overwhelming diagnosis. Looking back, now that her cancer is in remission, she continues to be the most positive person I know. But...

7 Lessons I Have Learned From The Dying

Throughout my medical career as a pediatrician, I have witnessed several children pass away. Each patient has a way of touching your very soul. What I have learned from the precious angels that I have lost is immeasurable. There is wisdom that comes when a person faces his or her own mortality. The best way...

Mindfulness for Children: Mindful Breathing

Mindfulness is the art of paying attention to life on purpose. A great exercise to practice this is through our breathing. Since we take our breath with us everywhere, this is a useful technique for children to learn so that they can center themselves even in stressful situations. This is how you practice mindful breathing...

Mindfulness For Children: Your Personal Weather Report

In the book Sitting Still Like a Frog by Eline Snel, we learn of mindfulness exercises that you can practice with your children. One of my favorite ones is Summoning Your Personal Weather Report: Sit comfortably with your child Close your eyes Ask your child to close his or her eyes Then ask them to...

The Best Medicine You Can Give Your Child

It turns out that there may be truth to the phrase ‘go with your gut’ or the feeling of ‘butterflies in your stomach’ when you are nervous. Over the past few years, there has been a growing body of research on the brain-gut connection and the presence of ‘a second brain’ that exists within the...

Mindfulness for Children: The Happiness Jar

One of my favorite things to start the new year is the happiness jar. It is a great exercise for children to practice daily gratitude. Here is how it works: Everyone grabs a jar or a box and makes it their own. At the end of every day, you spend five minutes writing one good...

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